Well, to all our members, we have to issue a giant apology for the January meeting. There were not enough Board members present to run the meeting nor audience for poor Barbara to preach to the choir.. She came and left with no demo. The meeting was canceled. This has never happened to us before, and I hope never again. I will call it “National Sicko” Day. I hope everyone is over their illness and ready to watch a spectacular demonstration.
Our meeting will be on March 12th. Remember that is Daylight Savings Time. I wish it would stay one way, so we don’t get so confused. Clocks go ahead that morning. Don’t be late for the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you at the meetings and shows. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings held at the Cypress Community Center, 5700 Orange Avenue, Cypress. We start the meetings at 2:00 pm and conclude between 4:00 & 5:00 pm. Refreshments are provided, we ask for a donation minimum of $2.00 to replenish supplies. Our demonstrator for March 12th is Jim Salchak.
Jim Salchak – Artist

The Pencil Painting Show is scheduled for take-in on March 4th.with that show up until we get ready for the Spring Show. Invitations are being prepared.
Your President, Pat Edep