Another year has passed, if you haven’t noticed. Our standing lecturer has been Jack King for a
millennium of years in January. We lost Jack in November. Before that there were other holes in our hearts such as Mariska (Mary) Folks and Genevieve Bennett. If there was someone I missed, I do apologize. Everyone in the Club is important to me and I wish we had that magical power to sustain health, wealth and artistic ability for many, many, many years.
With Sandy Laube’s help, we are completing our Grant Request for the next 2 years. This will include 2 Shows, 5 General Meetings, 5 Workshops, the Pencil Painting Show, Reception and Workshop along with other opportunities for exhibits in our Gallery.
In the New Year concentrate on pieces to enter in our Spring Show scheduled for April 22 take-in and April 23 for the Open Show where winners stay on exhibit in the Gallery for a month with their ribbons hanging proudly.
The Pencil Painting Show is scheduled for take-in on March 4th.with that show up until we get ready for the Spring Show. Invitations are being prepared.
We wish you and yours the best for this coming year. Remember that dues are now payable for the year. Looking forward to seeing you at the meetings and shows. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings held at the Cypress Community Center, 5700 Orange Avenue, Cypress. We start the meetings at 2:00 pm and conclude between 4:00 & 5:00
pm. Refreshments are provided, we ask for a donation minimum of $2.00 to replenish supplies.
Your President,
Pat Edep