Well, as many can attest, this pandemic has taken its toll on all of us to some extent or another.
For the Art League, we have been deprived of meetings, outings and workshops, not to mention
the pencil painting exhibits. This show and workshop were again cancelled for March, but I am
keeping my fingers crossed for 2022. Pray that the virus is under control long before then.
On a brighter note, our grant for the next 2 years has been approved by the City. And, hopefully
as conditions improve, we will have use of the Community Center again before year’s end. Keep
us in your prayers that we return to some kind of normalcy.
Until that time we are going ahead with another virtual art exhibition in April. Take-in will be
on April 24 with the return of your pieces along with any ribbons and prizes on Sunday, April
25 th . We are working on the pre-registration form for ease of entry. Look for it on our website,
www.cypressartleague.com in the very near future. We will again offer PayPal or other credit
card to pay for your entry fees and/or membership dues as we offered for the last show.
We will have 2 lines for participants: One for pre-paid who will have envelopes already prepared
with your name, Class of work (i.e.: A/O, W/C, O/M. P, 3D, D/I). and the Piece(s) #s ready to
affix to your work. Someone will check your work so it is ready for hanging* and a runner will
take it inside the building to be hung. You are then free to leave.
The other line will be for those who did not pre-register. These pieces will be checked before
entering the building to make sure they are ready for hanging*. If OK, they will be directed
inside to check for membership and pay the entry fees and given a receipt. Once that is complete,
you will be directed to the Division line which you belong. You will then register each piece and
be given the Class and Number of each piece, which you will affix to your work then leave the
building. A runner will take the work into the room for hanging.
*To be ready for hanging painting, watercolors and Other Media must be framed with wires for
hanging. Name, address and contact info must be attached to the upper right-hand back of each
piece. Photos, watercolor and other media should have glass or plexiglass. We cannot do any re-
wire or repairs due to the pandemic. For 3-D pieces identification is in an inconspicuous place,
usually on the bottom on the piece.
A hard copy of the entry form will also be available as needed either online or as requested.
I encourage you to join this art exhibition. No need to be a member, but with membership, you
do get a break in the entry fees. Members pay $9.00 per entry with the 5th entry free. Non-
members pay $15.00 per entry with the 5th entry free.
Either way, this is a great deal considering the prizes we have to offer.
Your President
Pat Edep